So, who’s going to Culture Japan Convention 2013? You? The other guy? Yes? You should! Awwyeah.
And so with that, I’ve always had a problem when it comes to huge conventions like these: there’s so much to do, so much stuff I want to go for and everything’s posted online. Yeah I know– I’ve got a smartphone handy, but you can never tell when your net’s going to slow down in times that you need it the most.
WITH THAT problem in mind… tadaa! I scraped important information regarding the event and placed them in a simple but handy APK file that installs in your Android Phone. I’ve included the map, stores, special guests, stage schedules and competitions. Hopefully with this you won’t miss a beat!

Once installed, you can access the information quickly and easily as they’re grouped per category from the top-down. All of the info and images are local to the application, which means it functions OFFLINE. You don’t need an internet connection for this to function or for you to access the data.

And, oh, Security Information: This app does NOT require special privileges and access.
This app was designed and coded from the ground-up using Intel’s XDK Application Framework, which would also enable me to publish and build an app for iOS or Windows. I could have published one for iOS, but that Developer License fee is staggering and too expensive >_>
Anyway, feel free to download, install and/or distribute. Just be sure to tell your friends where you got it– you may never know, I might make another one in the future. :p
Bug Report Information:
Here is a list of existing bugs/issues with the app:
- Some images will stretch out of proportion.
- Pressing the Physical / Phone Back button twice (thus arriving at the splash/welcome screen) will cause the app to be non-responsive. At the moment, please refrain from arriving at the splash/home screen with the back button (TIP: once you arrive at the main menu, STOP).
Tested Devices:
App is confirmed to be working on:
- Samsung Galaxy S3
- Samsung Galaxy S4
- Samsung Galaxy S2
- Cherry Mobile Burst
- Cloudfone Flare
The app was designed to be compatible up to Android 2.3. If for some reason the app doesn’t work for your device please post a comment here.
Download and Install:
Unfortunately I don’t have a Google Play Store Developer Account– YET. The fee is affordable, but I don’t have a budget yet. So for now, you can only download and install the APK file from here.