Super Lucky

If you’re looking for a game that puts happiness in your life, then New Super Lucky’s Tale is for you.
Originally released as Super Lucky’s Tale for Xbox One X and Microsoft Windows, New Super Lucky’s Tale is somewhat of a remake and a port that includes all previously released DLC and redesigned levels. New Super Lucky’s Tale is a 3D platformer game by Playful Studios released on Nintendo Switch and eventually released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.
The story revolves around Lucky Swifttail, a fox that was trapped inside the Book Of Ages when it magically spreads out its pages across different dimensions when it was on the verge of being owned by the antagonist Lynx. Lynx is a cat and a former Guardian of the Book Of Ages and now wanted the book for himself and use its powers. Now, Lucky must gather all the pages of the Book Of Ages before Lynx get to it first and also as a way for Lucky to return to his home Foxington.
Take note that I am aware that New Super Lucky’s Tale is a redesigned version and I did not play the original Super Lucky’s Tale and only basing my impression on re-released game alone.

Premise of the game is simple, get the pages of the book in the levels to unlock the boss in each area to proceed to the next. It’s not required to complete all of the pages to unlock the boss, so that leaves room for progression even though you’re not into completing everything.
Each level has 4 pages, one for getting 300 coins in a level, one for collecting the letters L-U-C-K-Y in a level, one is just for completing the level and the last one is a hidden page within the level, may it be a challenge or just plain hidden.
In the main world hub, there are also pages to collect, as there are mini game challenges — two kinds, one is a Sokoban-style puzzle like and the other is a tilting table marble where you have to guide Lucky in a ball. Noting that during my playthrough, I have experienced somewhat frame dips during the tilting table marble mini games. Also noting that I really enjoyed the Sokoban-style puzzles, they are very well-done.
The main game levels also offer variety with different objectives in each level. Since you will be getting a different objective each time, you will be on your toes on what challenge will be thrown at you as a player.

Graphics are smooth, great enough that I can’t criticize it. And the music score is great enough with relaxing calm tunes to accompany Lucky’s adventure.
The overall difficulty of the whole game is on the easier side and it is very welcoming for all players, including young kids, who just want to have fun playing a game. The most difficult parts of the whole game are the Foxington challenges which are previously DLC, and some trophy challenges and even those are tolerable.
The platforming in this game is great with very smooth controls. The camera, which is an issue in the original, is very fluid in this version.
Characters in this game are quirky, funny, gibberish, cartoonish and very light-hearted, you’ll just can’t help but like them even interacting with them for short periods as NPC.
Take note that there is a rabbit that gives you serious real talk that you should never miss. That rabbit goes philosophical on you and in many ways he’s right — To go after what you want in life and to not give up without even trying. If Playful Studios believed in this then they just succeeded, this version of their game rectified all of the original version’s fault and they made it a much better version. They went for it, believed in the project and succeeded.

Overall the game is really, really good and the only thing I can say is that I want more and the game itself made me want more. It may be on the short side (you can finish it in 5–6 hours on the main campaign, and completing everything (Platinum) doesn’t take much more than that ) but we are all in luck, seems like (hopefully) this game is just a start of a series of Super Lucky’s Tale games.

During this time of worldwide crisis and pandemic, what we needed in our lives is a game that shine a ray of joy. It made me smile and I felt happy while playing it which I guess what everyone needed at this time.
Something that we are forgetting is that games — including video games — are meant to entertain more than anything else and New Super Lucky’s Tale did just that and more. The game is fun, funny, light-hearted and is such a good time. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and it let the player enjoy the game.
I strongly recommend New Super Lucky’s Tale as a game to play for players that want to be entertained. It gives enough challenge as a game at the same time offering a good time to relax and as an escape especially at this time of very chaotic world that we live in.
Score : 9/10 (Excellent)
New Super Lucky’s Tale (PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows)
Developer: Playful Studios
Publisher: PQube
Released: Nintendo Switch — November 8, 2019
Microsoft Windows, Xbox One — August 21, 2020
PlayStation 4 — August 21, 2020 (NA/EU), September 27, 2020 (JP)
New Super Lucky’s Tale was reviewed on PS4. PS4 review copy was provided by PQube.